Blog Growth

Hope for Our Well-being

Hope germinates in the rocky, hard, and dry times. Hope is for these times. There is nothing earth shattering in these thoughts. But what matters is this: do I really believe it to be true? Hope is for my difficulties, times of uncertainty and discouragement. Because God is good, He gives hope — something to …

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Blog Leadership

Leaders, Face the Impossible

Last time the focus was on not losing heart. We continue this theme in facing the impossible. What feels a little impossible for you right now? An assumption is made that good leaders are sort of fearless. And great leaders make the impossible possible. In reality, even the best leaders have challenges they would rather …

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Blog Leadership

Leaders, Do Not Lose Heart

Overwhelmed. This is one word to describe how I often feel at the beginning of something new — a new school year, a new week, a new project, or even the first few days after coming home from a trip. If I am honest, it is a common and unwanted companion when I feel disappointed …

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worms eyeview of green trees
Blog Growth Perspective


I was not an avid reader as a child like Dad. He had numerous books going simultaneously. I was always amazed by the wide variety of subjects he read. I, on the other hand, had a difficult time even finishing a book. And there were many times I peeked ahead to find out how things …

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Blog Leadership

Really Good News for All People

Today is a pivotal time for the church. What do we do with Jesus’ commission? Uncertain times do make us hesitate. When the church scattered in Acts 8, they probably did so out of fear. Though we may know Jesus’ commission is not suspended, we can feel stuck.

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Blog Leadership

To the Ends of the Earth

Part 2 Fear filled the air, as a result of the martyrdom of Stephen. Within a few chapters, the church went from gladness and gathering to fear and scattering. The whole church was in crisis and lives were in danger. “That day a severe persecution began against the church in Jerusalem” (Acts 8:1). Living here meant …

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brown wooden arrow signed
Blog Leadership

Extending the Gospel in Uncertain Times

Part 1 As I study Luke and Acts, a theme I notice is one of uncertainty in the early church. Yet Luke, the author, also brings in a sense of assurance in the midst of it. It was the most certain of times. It was also the least certain of times. It was an unprecedented …

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Blog Leadership

A Test of Leadership

I can’t do virtual,” I heard another person say recently. ” And I don’t know if I can continue in this work if everything now is online.” Their work is in ministry with college students; and they do their work to be in the same space as students. “Why continue, if this is not what …

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Blog Discipleship

So You Want to Make Disciples?

Making and Multiplying Disciples Framework Let’s start with a basic framework, the Making and Multiplying Disciples Tool. This might become your new best friend for spiritually multiplying! You can download this document and watch the attached video that gives a general overview in using it. One way to use this document is to print it …

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Hi, I’m Erin White. I am a developer, activator, leader and writer of this blog. I love to see lives transformed, culture developed, and leaders equipped. After my life changed considerably in college, I decided to work with students in the campus ministry of Cru (and still work with Cru!) For a few years I …

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Blog Growth Perspective

The Father is God

(There is) one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:6). A good part of my life I had a certain picture in mind of God and what He was like. He was sitting on His throne and really far away. This heavenly Father (with maybe …

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