• Abide: One word. What I need.

    Abide: One word. What I need.


    I come to these places in my life when I am a little tired of myself — well a lot tired of myself. I wish I could be done with my pesky sin, my bothersome habits, and my annoying self-absorption. I feel a little like this right now. It can feel like I am in …


  • Going beyond borders: What in the world?

    Going beyond borders: What in the world?


    “What in the world,” was my thought my sophomore year in college when I was asked to join a group from my university for a six week summer mission. My heart knew how scared, “unspiritual,” and ill-equipped I felt for taking this sort of step of faith. “She really wants me to join her?” I …


  • Was Jesus lonely? Just Wondering…

    Was Jesus lonely? Just Wondering…


    When was the last time you felt lonely? I don’t like to admit when I feel lonely. I can be a little melancholy and reflective. I can feel lonely after a big event, in the midst of a crowd, or after a personal success. Loneliness can come visit any of us for so many reasons. We …