• Detoxing Anxiety and Busyness with the Sabbath

    Detoxing Anxiety and Busyness with the Sabbath


    Anxiety is such a nuisance. It is a thief that quietly finds its way in, going unnoticed, lurking around finding an assortment of things to disturb. Unlike a thief that quickly flees, anxiety steals peace and then easily makes itself at home. Soon the unwelcome guest takes up permanent residence. My chest is feeling a …


  • Detoxing Pride through Solitude and Silence?

    Detoxing Pride through Solitude and Silence?


    There are parts of my life that I am well-aware, and other parts that I am not so aware of, that I would rather not talk about. I would rather not address them because it feels rather embarrassing or difficult to change. There is a dichotomy in my life. I would rather keep up the …


  • Detoxing my Soul of Gluttony with Fasting

    Detoxing my Soul of Gluttony with Fasting


    I feel really, really full — and not the good kind of full, like you feel after a good conversation, a hug from your child or a nice compliment. There is the “full of contentment and peace” and then there is the “full” that feels like a stuffed turkey. After all the yummy baked goods …