• Hope for Our Well-being

    Hope for Our Well-being


    Hope germinates in the rocky, hard, and dry times. Hope is for these times. There is nothing earth shattering in these thoughts. But what matters is this: do I really believe it to be true? Hope is for my difficulties, times of uncertainty and discouragement. Because God is good, He gives hope — something to …


  • Leaders, Face the Impossible

    Leaders, Face the Impossible


    Last time the focus was on not losing heart. We continue this theme in facing the impossible. What feels a little impossible for you right now? An assumption is made that good leaders are sort of fearless. And great leaders make the impossible possible. In reality, even the best leaders have challenges they would rather …


  • Leaders, Do Not Lose Heart

    Leaders, Do Not Lose Heart


    Overwhelmed. This is one word to describe how I often feel at the beginning of something new — a new school year, a new week, a new project, or even the first few days after coming home from a trip. If I am honest, it is a common and unwanted companion when I feel disappointed …