• Convinced



    I was not an avid reader as a child like Dad. He had numerous books going simultaneously. I was always amazed by the wide variety of subjects he read. I, on the other hand, had a difficult time even finishing a book. And there were many times I peeked ahead to find out how things …


  • Really Good News for All People

    Really Good News for All People


    Today is a pivotal time for the church. What do we do with Jesus’ commission? Uncertain times do make us hesitate. When the church scattered in Acts 8, they probably did so out of fear. Though we may know Jesus’ commission is not suspended, we can feel stuck.


  • To the Ends of the Earth

    To the Ends of the Earth


    Part 2 Fear filled the air, as a result of the martyrdom of Stephen. Within a few chapters, the church went from gladness and gathering to fear and scattering. The whole church was in crisis and lives were in danger. “That day a severe persecution began against the church in Jerusalem” (Acts 8:1). Living here meant …