• A Key Ingredient

    A Key Ingredient


    For a flower to unfold and open up its bloom, it needs the right conditions.  An important and key ingredient is temperature.  Somehow, the warmth from the sun triggers a flower to bloom. When a flower blooms, we see it at its best and in its fullness. There is an ingredient (like the sun for …


  • Overflowing Love

    Overflowing Love


    Where does this “overflow” begin? God, who began and created the world, created a people in His image. He poured out His love and goodness upon them and in the world He created. But the ones He loved, turned from Him. Believing a lie instead of the truth, they rebelled. Even though they turned, God …


  • Overflow



    High in the Rocky Mountains there is a stream that flows. It is rather small and not that impressive for its size, but I like it. The stream is beautiful with the towering mountains, the little meadow of bursting wild flowers and scented pine trees surrounding it. My family found it along a trail in …