I chose a Masters of Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary out of a desire to grow my leadership capacity through a deeper knowledge of theology and Scripture. Working in my current leadership role and attending seminary are the perfect blend for the application of what I am learning in “real time.” This path is enabling me to better steward my 30 years of ministry and leadership experience. I also desire to better understand my unique gifting, so I may serve and help others to fulfill their calling as Christ’s ambassadors. I believe I am most skilled at developing leaders, resources and culture for the purpose of extending the gospel to those difficult to reach. The Masters of Christian Leadership, along with this unusual time of the pandemic, is equipping me to better face challenges and uncertainty, and lead with vision, compassion and adaptability.

By Erin White
This is a bible study on 1 Thessalonians I wrote for a women’s college ministry.
Discipleship is lived out in the pages of this book. The gospel did not stop at the Thessalonians’ doorstep but their message and changed lives rang out through that part of the world (and to to us through the Scriptures). How will we continue to multiply our faith to those around us?

This resource I worked on and revitalized with a team of Cru staff.
The Making and Multiplying Disciples’ resource gives a framework for spiritual multiplication. How can we help others to make Christ known, reproduce their lives and be a blessing to the world?

This is a simple diagram I created to equip others one-on-one or in a large group setting for discipleship.
How do we intentionally help others to grow as a disciple without it feeling too complicated? We want to consider the heart, skills/knowledge and experiences.

For my competence in Christian Leadership, I am submitting additional artifacts that demonstrate the application of theological study and leadership development in my role as a Cru Director. The artifacts also demonstrate strategies with a focus in spiritual multiplication and mission with the purpose of extending the gospel to those difficult to reach. Some of the strategies display ways I learned to lead with vision and adaptability through the unusual time of the pandemic. These artifacts illustrate my ability to develop leaders, resources and culture.
- The first three artifacts show different ways of developing disciples. The 1 Thessalonians Bible Study I wrote for about 300 college women in small groups through a ministry at Grace Bible Church. It challenged me to adapt the material to the audience by writing something that was scaled down, discussion oriented and discipleship focused.
- The second artifact, a framework for Making and Multiplying Disciples, was developed with a team I was leading. This utilized skills of planning, creativity, delegation, and evaluation.
- The next group of artifacts illustrate resourcing through writing, whether that be on a topic of discipleship, missions, leadership or theology. “The Mom and the International Summer Mission” was written as a resource for moms who were considering taking their family on a Cru summer mission. The photos represent one of the summer missions I led.
- Many artifacts from this past year represent leading in a changing world. Learning to become proficient in Zoom and leading from a distance characterized this time. Included are slides from one of many Zoom meetings I led. A year ago I had never considered leading a prayer time over Zoom.
As I developed in Christian Leadership through various classes and ministry experiences, I have learned to better identify the areas I am most skilled and gifted. I desire to seek ways to steward well those areas. I also have grown in attempting and learning new things and being more flexible and adaptable. The pandemic has afforded many opportunities for this as a leader! The Masters of Christian Leadership equipped me in theology, leadership and communication skills. These gave me a good base to draw from during the pandemic and for the years ahead.
As a result of the experiences documented by these artifacts, I will continue to develop in Christian Leadership by seeking to be a good steward of my unique gifting and skills for the service of others and for the sake of God’s calling and mission. I desire to continue to develop in the making of disciples and growing of leaders. I also hope to grow in writing and being a compassionate and adaptive leader. I hope that the things I have learned and experienced will be used to equip others to reproduce their lives, build leaders and take the gospel to those who are hard to reach. This would be the best use of the experiences God has given me during this time.
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