“The student demonstrates appreciation for the many dimensions of ongoing public- square and global conversations related to social, cultural, religious, biblical, and theological concerns, and develops a biblical Christian perspective that results in knowledgeable, compassionate dialogue with appropriate evangelistic engagement.”
- I want to grow in my theology and knowledge of race relations.
- I desire to take steps to better understand the issues ethnically diverse Cru staff may face.
- I want to interact with leaders and staff of the ethnic focused ministries of Cru.
- I will study race relations in the book of Acts and participate in a group project on the theology of race relations.
- I will pick some books that I have been wanting to read on the topic of race and diversity.
- I will dialogue and interact with leaders from 3 different ethnically focused ministries.
- I will have researched and presented a project on the theology of race relations (Fall 2020).
- By the end of the year I will have completed three books, discussed them with my mentor and written a summary in my blog.
- By Spring 2021 I will have discussed with leaders from ethnic focused ministries the barriers to growing leaders and staff of color.
- Angelology, Anthropology and Hamartiology Class
- Books: Color of Compromise, White Awake and Dream with Me
- Ethnic Focused Ministries of EPIC, Destino, and Impact.
Research Paper
Group Project

“A theology of race relations is developed through a study of the Old and New Testament, along with the model of the early church. God as Trinity, displaying unity and diversity, defines perfect harmony and peace for God’s creation and for the church. From the very beginning of the Old Testament, God intends His blessing to extend to all ethnicities. In the New Testament Jesus declares the gospel is not just for the Jews, but for all nations (Luke 24:47). Not only is the gospel for all people, but it is the unifier of diverse people. In this paper I will suggest that a theology of race relations is informed by the early church’s example of proclaiming the gospel to all peoples, embracing diverse cultures, and displaying diversity in gospel expansion.” ( A Model of the Early Church for Unity and Diversity, Erin White).

Dream with Me, by John M. Perkins
After reading: I have much to learn about many things, including race relations. I honestly think I will never stop being a student. I imagine in heaven when every nation, tribe, language and people are gathered before the throne, I will stand in awe. The wonder of God’s creation and of His image bearers will only intensify. I will still be learning and growing. For in heaven, without sin, the beauty of God’s handiwork of unity and diversity will be displayed for all to see and marvel … to read more

The Color of Compromise, by Jemar Tisby
After reading: “Complicity” is the word I have chosen for this book. From the hideous Atlantic Slave Trade to recent racial tensions, Tisby weaves in the thread of complicity. I don’t like that word. I am not sure who does. You don’t want to be one labeled as complicit. And you don’t want to be the one facing the implications of someone’s complicity … to read more

The Minority Experience, by Andrian Pei
After reading: Andrian Pei shares his experience as a minority and sheds light on the possible experiences of all minorities in the US. He specifically looks through the lens of pain, power and past to reveal the minority experience. I have a lot of mixed thoughts … to read more
Interaction with Leaders in Three Ethnic Focused Communities:

EPIC: Asian American movements mobilized to take their place in God’s redemptive mission.
Epic Movement is a ministry that envisions Asian American students and faculty transformed by their relationship with Jesus Christ, embracing the value of their cultures and actively engaging in God’s redemptive work in ways that honor all people and contexts. Being an “Asian American” movement doesn’t mean that everyone in our movements is Asian American; rather Epic affirms Asian American cultural values as they manifest in relationships, identity formation, leadership and ministry. We believe that as we all experience the fullness of our cultural identity intersecting the redemption found in Christ, we will be a significant sending base to a racially-fragmented world. Coming together with lives fully surrendered, we can fulfill our call to build bridges to cultures and conversations that might otherwise be inaccessible and unspoken.

DESTINO: We envision spiritual movements of Latino students, faculty, and community everywhere, so that everyone on earth knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Destino’s mission is to journey with students and faculty to follow Jesus and fulfill their God-given destiny. We value faith, growth and fruitfulness in a compassionate community committed to being:
- Culturally connected.
- Academically achieving.
- Financially responsible.
- Empowered spiritually.

The Impact Movement: Equips Black students to become disciples of Jesus Christ who integrate their faith into every aspect of their life.
Through evangelism, discipleship, and study of the Bible, every student involved in Impact is challenged to enthusiastically embrace and critically understand their ethnic identity as integral to the ministry of the Gospel on campus, in the community, and throughout the world
For my Cultural Engagement goal I am submitting artifacts designed to grow my theology, knowledge and understanding of race and ethnicity. The first artifacts are from a paper and project related to race and oneness and diversity. From this research and interaction with peers I grew in my theology of oneness and diversity, and how this theology impacts ethnic and cultural differences.
The second group of artifacts are books I read to increase my knowledge of race and ethnicity. From these recommended books I increased my awareness of various issues that are being discussed in our nation.
The third group of artifacts are three Ethnic Focused Communities that have partnerships with Cru or are a ministry of Cru. Over the year I interacted and dialogued with leaders from these communities. From these interactions I have grown in my understanding of what Cru staff of color may experience working in a “white” majority organization.
As I developed in cultural engagement, I have learned it is very complex. It is also an area that I need to tread lightly and become a continual learner. I do have much experience with interacting with different cultures internationally over the years. Because of this, I wanted to take time to observe things closer to home. I have also had college students of color in my bible studies or as leaders in our ministry. Some of the biggest things I learned are actually in regards to myself. I have discovered I cannot assume anything, I need to be an active listener and be patient in my responses.
As a result of the experiences documented in these artifacts, I will continue to develop in cultural engagement by being a learner of others. I want grow in being an active listener. This means asking questions and responding thoughtfully. As I interact with young adults, many are forming their own identity. I want to be okay with not giving an “answer” or needing to share my opinion. God has all of us in a life long journey of growth and development.
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