Blog Growth

Is there a Secret to Contentment?

(Continuing the theme: “Things that can trip us up.”) Stacy was really smart — so smart she met with the teacher one-on-one. That was a challenge for me, who really wanted to be the smartest. I attributed it to the fact that she watched Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. Neither of which I was fond of, …

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Blog Growth

Ordinary Thanksgiving in Ordinary Life

It is time to be thankful, not just because it is Thanksgiving week, the leaves are changing and Fall is a wonderful season. But the theme of thanksgiving seems to be continually popping up, along with the encouragement for practicing thanksgiving in many forms. Whether it is counting in a thousand ways, 40 days, or finding ways of generously being …

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Blog Growth Perspective


High in the Rocky Mountains there is a stream that flows. It is rather small and not that impressive for its size, but I like it. The stream is beautiful with the towering mountains, the little meadow of bursting wild flowers and scented pine trees surrounding it. My family found it along a trail in …

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