For some, being in a discipleship relationship seems daunting. I remember thinking that if I discipled or mentored someone I really needed to have my act together. On the other hand, I thought if I was “discipled” by someone then I needed to share all my dirt and I wasn’t so sure I was ready …
Category: Growth
Is there a Secret to Contentment?
(Continuing the theme: “Things that can trip us up.”) Stacy was really smart — so smart she met with the teacher one-on-one. That was a challenge for me, who really wanted to be the smartest. I attributed it to the fact that she watched Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. Neither of which I was fond of, …
Loving Those in My Life Who Are Difficult to Love
Let’s get this out there — some people are just plain difficult to love. I hate to admit it. Yet, even if they move on, soon I find this person is replaced by another. I don’t know why, but I always seem to have one of these folks in my life. I had this roommate …
Better than Chocolate: the Gifts that Keep on Giving
It is obvious which holiday is quickly approaching, for the red and pink cards in the seasonal greeting card section remind all shoppers of the latest sentiment to give. The hearts of chocolates are enticing me to buy a little something for myself. Soon the tents with flowers and stuffed bears will arrive in grocery …
Ordinary Thanksgiving in Ordinary Life
It is time to be thankful, not just because it is Thanksgiving week, the leaves are changing and Fall is a wonderful season. But the theme of thanksgiving seems to be continually popping up, along with the encouragement for practicing thanksgiving in many forms. Whether it is counting in a thousand ways, 40 days, or finding ways of generously being …
High in the Rocky Mountains there is a stream that flows. It is rather small and not that impressive for its size, but I like it. The stream is beautiful with the towering mountains, the little meadow of bursting wild flowers and scented pine trees surrounding it. My family found it along a trail in …