• Buoyed through the Waters of Difficulties

    Buoyed through the Waters of Difficulties


    I sometimes escape in my mind to times resting, dreamily afloat on a raft in the ocean next to the beach. I especially remember one sweet time with my sister in the beautiful waters of the panhandle of Florida. I was peacefully rocked and cradled as those emerald waters lapped gently on the white sandy …


  • The Gift of Mornings

    The Gift of Mornings


    I do generally like the mornings and getting a good start, but I am not really a “morning person.” I do better without the people in my morning — better by myself, slowly meeting and greeting the day. Being apart of a family of six, with four needing to get going to four different schools, …


  • Following a Person

    Following a Person


    So, what does this entail when Jesus says, “Follow me?” Is it taking a path somewhere unknown, but a good path? How far do I need to go down this path? What if it gets a little rocky or steep? There is a conversation in the New Testament (Luke 9:57-62) worth checking out, between Jesus …