• About



    Hi, I’m Erin White. I am a developer, activator, leader and writer of this blog. I love to see lives transformed, culture developed, and leaders equipped. After my life changed considerably in college, I decided to work with students in the campus ministry of Cru (and still work with Cru!) For a few years I …


  • The Trinity: Puzzling or Understandable?

    The Trinity: Puzzling or Understandable?


    Do you ever feel puzzled if asked about the Trinity? I know I have. It seems safer to sidestep a question about the Trinity, change the subject or say something like this, “That is a good question, the Trinity is a mystery and hard to understand. I can’t really explain it.”  I grew up in …


  • The Father is God

    The Father is God


    (There is) one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:6). A good part of my life I had a certain picture in mind of God and what He was like. He was sitting on His throne and really far away. This heavenly Father (with maybe …