• Trapped in Misunderstanding

    Trapped in Misunderstanding


    Day 37 of Lent, Psalm 43: Have you ever been falsely accused? Kids point their finger at their sibling, while their sibling points right back and says, “I did not! You did it.” Our first and most natural response to accusations or being misunderstood has probably not changed that much since we were kids. It …


  • The Pain and Hope in Rejection

    The Pain and Hope in Rejection


    Day 36 of Lent, Psalm 42: Have you ever experienced rejection? I imagine you have. It is one thing, when the rejection is from an acquaintance or someone you don’t know very well, and it is another thing, when it from someone close. Have you have been rejected by a family member, a friend, or …


  • The Great Rescue from the Pit

    The Great Rescue from the Pit


    Day 34 of Lent, Psalm 40: When my oldest son was 3, we had a run in with a rattlesnake. Even though it was almost 15 years ago, I can still see the whole thing in slow motion played out in my mind — the snake striking up out of the brush from the corner …