• Erasing the Unmentionable

    Erasing the Unmentionable


    There are moments we all want to forget and erase from our memory (and anyone else as well). We wish we could quietly tuck them away, like an old t-shirt on the bottom of the stack, never to be worn or seen again. Needing more erasers There are points in our life when it seems …


  • Three Vital Elements for a Lasting Marriage

    Three Vital Elements for a Lasting Marriage


    We often think it will be what we have in common, how we are similar or compatible that will make a marriage last. I love the scene in the movie, Nacho Libre, in which Nacho tells Sister Encarnacion that her favorites are also his favorites every day. Commonalities draw us together, but do they make …


  • Is he the one? Four questions to consider before saying, “Yes!”

    Is he the one? Four questions to consider before saying, “Yes!”


    Is he “the one?” Is he not “the one?” Around this time, 21 years ago, I was asking myself that very question. My sister had asked me during Christmas if I thought Brian was “the one.” I had told her, “I think so but I’m not sure yet.” I also wondered, “How will I know …