
Who Holds Your Time?

Day 25 of Lent, Psalm 31:

There are things that we will only entrust to certain people, people we think are responsible, dependable, or trustworthy. There may be certain people you don’t feel comfortable lending your car to. There are those I can trust with private and personal information, the kind of information I just don’t share in social media. I know I can’t trust everyone with certain things. When my children were young, we had some trusted babysitters, we knew to be very reliable and dependable. They were going to make good decisions with the kids and be vigilant.

Who would you entrust with one of your most precious things? Even though I can say I trust God, am I really allowing Him to hold and keep what concerns me most.
David said this in Psalm 31:

“But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, “You are my God. My times are in Your hands”

God was the holder and keeper of what was most important, His “times” or his life.

A few signs I am not allowing God to keep this most precious thing:

  • I take matters into my own hands. I forget to first ask for His help.
  • I forget to give thanks, and remember what He has done.
  • I begin to complain more and lose sight of the bigger picture.
  • I am regularly disappointed with others and how they don’t meet my needs.
  • I worry about how my needs will be met.
  • I find myself forgetting to walk by faith and ignoring truth, and instead easily turning to my feelings for guidance.
  • I don’t want to be open to all options. I keep my plans close to me in a clinched fist.
  • My money is, for all practical purposes, my own. I am not living in light of the resources I possess are to be managed for God’s purposes and generously shared and used.
  • I find my worth more in other’s opinions than in God’s gracious love.

There are a lot more signs, but these are a few things that signal to me that I am holding my life a little too dear. I know I need to entrust it to Someone much more reliable than myself.

Here are some reasons from Psalm 31 why I can trust God to keep and hold my “times” in His hands.

God is:

A place of refuge
A rock and fortress
Leads and guides
A strength
Ransomed me
Sees my affliction
Has a good place for me
Has favor to rest on me
Gives His lovingkindness

The Goodness store

God has a “store of goodness.” If you store something up, you are keeping it for a time of need. It is a picture of Gods’ love and generosity. He has a store of goodness. Some ways  from this Psalm which He is good:

Provides protection
Hides me in the secret place of His presence
Keeps me secretly in a place of protection

Displays “Marvelous” lovingkindness
Hears me
Preserves the faithful


I love how David generously speaks of the reasons He can trust God with His life.
I am fickle and often mess things up. I need Someone much more trustworthy to handle what is most precious, my life and time He has given me.
Where are you in this?
What signals to you from the list above that you may not be allowing God to hold all of your “times?”
What, from the above list, makes you want to trust Him and allow Him to hold your life?

God is the Keeper and Holder of our life. He is trustworthy